Oh man, it’s so much to type, and my wrist kind of hurts. I’ll tell you what, you can read all about it right here!

You can subscribe to our newsletter, or follow us on your preferred social media for some highlights and updates on what’s happening. We’re on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Twitch… you get the idea.

PAX is a show for all-ages and we flag certain things in the schedule as 13+. Children 6 and under are free with a paid adult badge.

Tournament sign up happens on a first come, first served basis starting at 10:00 am on the day of the tournament.  So if a Console Tournament takes place on Saturday at 7:00pm, to be at the top of the roster, head over to Console Tourney on Saturday at 10am.  (Note: This does not necessarily apply to PAX Arena or any exhibitor-managed events).

Generally we clear after every panel with one exception - Friday morning between Storytime Session and the Penny Arcade Q&A. That’s the one instance where you don’t have to leave your seat. There may be other exceptions, but those exceptions are few and far between...refer to the schedule, once available, for additional information.

As a general rule, definitely as long as you can do it without obstructing pathways and preventing people from moving around. Also, please respect it if an attendee or exhibitor asks not to be captured on film...or...er...pixels….?

PAX is considered to be in the public domain, which is a roundabout and pretentious way of saying “Yes, you’re very likely to appear on SOMEONE’S camera.”

Afraid so! You can get a good sense of our criteria on our safety and accessibility page, and your first stop should be at Info Desk for weapons check tagging for us to verify everything is legit and abiding by our criteria for safety. If we have to hold your prop weapon for the show, we’re sorry, we wish things were different, and we’ll make sure you get it back when it’s time to leave. We’re charged with keeping tens of thousands of people we like an awful lot all safe and sound, and we’ve got to play things pretty conservatively when dealing with weapons (even in prop form).

Mostly. Strollers are not permitted in the Expo Hall, but they are fair game everywhere else.

We have medical badges available for those who may need assistance. Medical badges provide entrance to panels, expo hall, and other events provided any associated line has not already been capped to capacity. Email us at [email protected] for more information and to get the paperwork started.

All Panels are first-come, first-served and access to all panel content comes free with your PAX badge. Be sure to keep tabs on panel lines via the PAX Mobile App, and stay tuned to @PAX_Lines for other line updates.

In general, autographing sessions are free, but there are some asterisks there.  For instance, obviously you need to have a PAX badge good for the day of the autograph session.  We're also assuming you're only talking about a single autograph from each person.  If you're looking for a stack of autographs, well, that might run you.  Refer to the autograph session description for details.

Nice to meet you, Game Company! It's pretty simple...just email us at [email protected].

You can ask us questions on social media, or email us directly at [email protected] to get in touch.

Don’t.  Just...DON’T! You can read more about our harassment policies here.


Once badges sell out online, they are gone for good, so if you are sure you want to attend, it’s always best to get them as early as you can.

We have no way of knowing, so we strongly recommend against going that route. That said, if you do insist on buying a site through one of these third parties, at least make sure it is made of plastic (you can’t tear it), and features a raised metallic design in the bottom corner.

Standard change of address procedures with the post office should resolve this for you without having to worry, but for extra insurance feel free to email us at [email protected] at least 45 days before showtime and we should be able to update the address on file for you.


The convention center is completely wheelchair accessible, but you may also want to pick up a medical badge to hopefully make life just a little extra easier on you. Shoot an email to [email protected] and they’ll fill you in on the details, get a form for you to fill out, and otherwise get you on your way. 

Yes! However, be warned that a lot of your fellow attendees will also be using it, potentially clogging those invisible air-pipes. Try not to rely on it, because you may find it...unreliable.


We know you’ll need hotel rooms, so we always do what we can to secure as many rooms as possible with the steepest discounts possible. Check out the inventory at our Hotels and Travel page.